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Brock Deer Gate.


Introducing the Rolls Royce of Deer Gates, the Brock Deer Gate, named and designed by Eddie Brock. Eddie approached us wanting our Barred Gate incorporated into the traditional Deer Gate style and that’s when the Brock Deer Gate hit the market.

  • 25nb (34mm OD) high tensile galvanised frame and two upright stays (top half of gate)
  • 40 x 3mm flat punched galvanised vertical stays
  • 75 x 3.15m chain link netting (top half of gate)
  • 5 x 20nb high tensile continuous rails (bottom half of gate)
  • Heavy 2.24m lacing wire
  • 20mm Lugs
  • Standard gate sizes
    • 4.88m (16ft), 4.27m (14ft), 3.66m (12ft), 3.05m (10ft)
    • Off Standard sizes available (made to order)